Mister Richardson’s
Church History Class

Chapter 4-5 Review Questions

1. How did Constantine become a Christian?

2. What was the Edict of Milan?

3. What did the Council of Nicaea decide?

4. What did the Council of Constantinople decide?

5. What did the Council of Chalcedon decide?

6. Who was Arius and what did he teach?

7. Who was Pelagius and what did he teach?

8. Why was Emperor Julian called "the Apostate"?

9. What important work did Jerome do?

10. What is a patriarch?

11. What were three good things about Constantine becoming emperor?

12. What were three bad things about Constantine becoming emperor?

13. How did Ambrose influence the emperor?

14. What were some writings of Augustine?

15. What is heresy?

16. What is an ecumenical council?

17. What is the Vulgate?

18. Explain how Augustine became a Christian.